Eggplant can Reduce Risk of Heart Attack

Maybe eggplant is one diet that is often served at your table. But you know the benefits of eggplant for our health? In this paper, some information will be distributed to the health benefits of eggplant.

Lose Its Nerve Tense
The content of scopoletin and scoparone contained in eggplant believed to reduce the psychological shock and reduce stress. Besides eggplant also can prevent epilepsy and other causes of stress.

Preventing Cancer Risk
According to a study in Japan, proving that eggplant is one of the vegetables that can prevent cancer risk. This is caused by the content of inhibitors in these vegetables.

Prevent Atherosclerosis
Based on the results of experiments conducted on rabbits, showed that rabbits given eggplant continuously proven to reduce fat in their arteries so as to avoid the risk of atherosclerosis.

Lowers Risk of Heart Attack
Thanks in fiber, beta carotene and anti-oxidants that high makes it one eggplant plant that can prevent someone from having a heart attack when consumed regularly.

Lowering Hypertension
Eggplant has a degree or the amount of potassium is high at around 217mg / 100gram. Potassium content is high enough to effectively prevent hypertension.



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