Red Rice Benefits for Health

Replacing white rice with brown rice has become a trend nowadays. Because brown rice has nutrients that are good for health. However, the price of brown rice is more expensive than usual rice. That caused many who do not know the benefits of brown rice. Here are the benefits of brown rice:


Key energy and good for diet

Vitamin content in rice is vitamin B1, B6 and B12 was higher in brown rice types. For diet, the rice is chosen as the fiber. Fibers contained higher than white rice. Able to interfere with the absorption of fat-fiber that go with the food so it will be more healthy and more filling sensation due to the slow processing of fiber.

Source of antioxidants
Brown rice contains antioxidants that are good for health. Owned one of the antioxidant anthocyanin is red rice. Anthocyanins are red pigments contained in perikarp and rice crust. Anthocyanins can prevent cancer, diabetes mellituse, and stroke.

Sources of magnesium

Magnesium can reduce the severity of asthma, lowering high blood pressure, reduce the frequency of migraine and risk of cardiovascular disease. Magnesium in brown rice can also maintain bone health. Because of the many benefits of magnesium would further enhance the benefits of brown rice.



healthy women said...

hey thnx for sharing these health benefits of brown rice..
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akuherbal said...

Thank you comment.

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