Centella asiatica (Cantella sciatica) Destroyer TB

Centella asiatica or scientific name, in various regions in Indonesia have local names include: antanan, panegowang, Rendeng caling hair, big antenan, boarding tekosan, pegaga, kori-kori. Gotu kola can grow to a height of 2,500 m above sea level. Kind of plants without stems, with short rhizomes and stolon-creeping stolon length 10-80 cm. Roots out of each bulb, with branches that will form a new plant. Singular leaves (one), about 5-15 cm long stalks with human kidney shape.

Centella Special quality
As medicinal plants, gotu kola has been used primarily by the people of India, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The benefits provided by gotu kola include: curing leprosy (a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprosy) and tuberculosis (TB). Improve endurance, cleanse the blood, improving urine, a positive effect on brain nerve stimulation power, facilitate transport of blood on the brain vessels. Even when this is used as a tonic to strengthen and improve the durability brain and nerves. The plant is also used orally and topically to improve blood circulation to the arms and legs, prevent varicose veins, and one vein. Besides being able to help improve memory, mental, and stamina, gotu kola can help balance energy levels and reduce the symptoms of stress and depression.

Practical Ways to Overcome Drunk Journey

If you can not stand the long journey, be it by land, air and sea, and always dizziness, nausea and motion sickness - vomiting -, whereas drugs also anti drunk not work out, maybe it's time to try an alternative. Not hard, and has proved successful.

Drunk or nausea trips usually occur because of an empty stomach and entered the wind while on the move. Therefore, in some cases, who took hot tea, much less drunk than an empty belly. However, if the trip has taken all fittings and drunk still to come, there is no other way, try this alternative.

Bamboo Shoots Bamboo Yellow Medicine Pain Liver

Yellow bamboo has long been known as an ornamental plant. Shoots also popular as a vegetable. But there is another unexpected benefit, yellow bamboo shoots can be used to treat liver disease or liver disease. 
Yellow Bamboo Bambusa vulgaris has other features than the species of bamboo in general, fur yellow clumps that are few in number. Because the color is yellow, bamboo is also known as ivory bamboo. Its appearance is very appealing to widely used as an ornamental garden.With a reed that grows straight or leaning, old yellow bamboo can reach 15 to 20 feet high with a diameter of about 10 cm reed. If not treated, with such high; bamboo yellow so it looks less attractive.

Albumin Naturally Overcome Various Diseases

Albumin is a type of protein is highest in the plasma levels of 60% were achieved. The benefit for the formation of new tissue. In the medical sciences, Albumin is used to speed up the recovery of body tissue that split / broken. Albumin also acts bind Drugs And Heavy Metal insoluble in blood. Albumin also has a number of functions, which regulate the osmotic pressure in the blood. Albumin maintain the presence of water in the blood plasma that can, defense blood volume. When the amount of albumin down there will be accumulation of fluid in the tissues (edema), for example swelling in both legs. Or it could happen in the accumulation of fluid in body cavities such as the abdomen is called asites. The other function is as a means of conveyance / transport. He brought materials that are poorly soluble in water and fluid through blood plasma cells. The ingredients such as free fatty acids, calcium, iron and some types medicine. Albumin also useful in the formation of new tissue. The formation of the new tissue required at the time of growth (babies, children, adolescents and pregnant women), and accelerate the healing of body tissues such as after surgery, burns and during illness.

Benefits and Rich Yogurt Made Easy

Yogurt is a health drink made from the fermented dairy products. Fans of yogurt not only children, but manulapun loved it. Yogurt is not only synonymous with a sour taste, but it can be integrated into a sweet and there are several products on the market are also mixed with fruit. Yogurt is not only tasty, but it has a wide range of health benefits. Here let us review the least of the benefits of yoghurts for health. Yogurt is milk made through bacterial fermentation and can be made from any milk, even soy milk. Yogurt itself contains two types of probiotics, namely lactobacillus and bifidobachterium. Probiotics, the good bacteria that help the digestive process.