Mustard Greens can Prevent Cancer

In Indonesia, when people call the mustard, the question is mustard greens (Brassica few parachinensis group, also known as mustard meatballs, caisim, or caisin). Besides mustard greens, some chicory (Brassica pekinensis few groups, also called cabbage) which made soups or made into pickles and mustard spoons (pakcoy or bok choy), which is a type of leaf vegetable mustard relatives who became known well in the world of culinary Indonesia.

Mustard (brassica juncea) included in famili Curciferae. Mustard is a leafy crops oval, smooth, hairless, and not berkrop. Mustard plant stems shorter and more slender than petsaai plants. Sawi has a taproot with many side roots are shallow. The flowers are similar to cabbage, but a series of shorter bunches. Flower bud size smaller with specific pale yellow color. The seeds are small and brown and black are the two sides of a fat pod bulkhead wall.
Mustard greens known to contain lots of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, iron, and protein. With the compound, mustard greens believed to prevent cancer, hypertension, heart disease, helps digestive system health, prevent and treat disease pellagra, and prevent pregnant women from anemia.

"Mustard is one of the most nutritious vegetables, have more vitamin A, carotene, vitamin C, and flavonoids. Anti-oxidants from fruits and most vegetables are consumed, "said Devon Lee BSc, Nutrisionist Slim Gourtmet.

Mustard contains high fiber which can help control cholesterol levels, helping to overcome hemorrhoids, constipation, and colon cancer. Mustard greens contain vitamin K, which is very high. Vitamin K has been shown to have a potential role in the function of bone growth by promoting osteo-trophic activity.

"Vegetables are raw cabbage is an excellent source of folic acid well, this water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in DNA synthesis and when given prior to and early in pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects in the baby," he said.

Mustard greens are a rich source of antioxidants that have been shown to have benefits overcome prostate cancer, breast, colon, and cancer. The high value of vitamin C in the vegetable raw cabbage is a natural antioxidant that offers protection against free radicals and viral infections such as the flu.

For vitamin C, some experts say that the levels are almost the same as oranges. It is great to keep the immune system so it does not easily hurt. Levels of vitamin A too much. In fact, leaf lettuce is a source of vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient to keep skin and eyesight.

"Regular consumption of mustard vegetables can prevent arthritis, osteoporosis, anemia, and is believed to protect against heart disease, asthma, colon, and prostate cancer," he explained.

Mustard greens are also particularly useful for women experiencing menopause Sadang. They have the ability to protect the body from breast cancer and heart disease. High content of nutrients (such as calcium, folic acid, and magnesium) also support bone health.

"As with other greens, mustard greens can keep our liver to be free of toxins, heavy metals, and fat, which makes the whole body function more efficiently," he said.

However, avoid mustard with brown spots or yellow because it no longer fresh. Mustard greens can last up to 3 days if stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Who have kidney problems should consume chicory than mustard greens because they contain excessive oxalate.

People with kidney problems or content of bile should avoid the consumption of mustard. This is because sometimes, oxalate is present in vegetables is concentrated and crystallized, creating health problems. In addition, oxalate also interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body, "he explained.

And before eating, wash the lettuce leaves in a bowl of cold water repeatedly until no sand or dirt in the water. And mustard greens should consume 2-3 times a week by 1 - ½ cup.



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