Siam Pumpkin Benefits for Health

Although the form is not exotic, squash many benefits for human health. Vegetables are low price this is a healthy food for the heart, able to ward off cancer, and is very good for pregnant women.Squash was first discovered by Patrick Browne in Jamaica in 1756. The species is widely grown in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In Mexico, chayote plant not only fruit used as a vegetable, tuber as well as food sources of carbohydrates.
Chayote vegetable not a stranger to most of the population of Indonesia. Chayote is known by several designations, such as pumpkin Jipang (Central Java), manisah (East Java), as well as pumpkin siam (West Java). Internationally, this vegetable called chayote.In everyday life, chayote fruit is known as a healthy vegetable. The fruit can be cooked as fresh vegetables, vegetable lodeh, stir-stir, or vegetable acids. Stems and leaves of young shoots used to make salad or other vegetables.

Chayote (Sechium edule Sw) is a plant belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. These plants include vines that can grow on land highlands and lowlands, without much need special care.Based on the appearance of the fruit, squash divided into two varieties, the varieties of squash and pumpkin varieties of wine. Squash varieties have large fruit size, can be harvested at the stadium was old enough to vegetable material, or a very young stage (baby) as a vegetables. Pumpkin grape varieties have small fruit size, generally harvested at a very young stage (baby) to be used as vegetables. 
Rich in Fiber 
Nutrient composition of squash can be seen in the table. Chayote fruit has fiber content is good enough, ie 1.7 g per 100 g. Consumption of adequate amounts of fiber is very good for treating constipation and is safe for sensitive stomach or intestinal inflammation. Dietary fiber may reduce the risk of cancer caused by incomplete digestion system. 
Dietary fiber can reduce the residence time (transit time) food from the mouth to the rest of the food was issued in the form of feces. During his stay in the digestive tract, dietary fiber will bind substances carcinogenic (cancer-causing). Thanks to the short transit time of food in the rest of the digestive tract, a carcinogenic substance residing in the body is also shorter, so the chances of cancer is very small. 
Folic acid content in fruit squash is also quite good, which is 93 mg per 100 g. Consumption of 100 grams chayote enough to meet the 23.25 percent body needs folic acid.Folic acid is essential for pregnant women because it can reduce the risk of birth defects. Low intake of folic acid in pregnant women is closely linked to low birth weight and the incidence of neural tube defects (brain disorders). 
Folic acid deficiency is characterized by symptoms of anemia, which is the number of grains of red blood cells. The need for folic acid in adults is 400 mg per day. This needs to be doubled in women who are pregnant, and increased 50 percent in women who are breastfeeding. 
Lower Cholesterol 
Chayote fruit is also rich in potassium. Potassium is useful for the body to control blood pressure, high blood therapy, as well as clean up carbon dioxide in the blood. Potassium is also useful for working muscles and trigger ganglion. High potassium will also facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the brain and helps accelerate the fluid balance, so that the body becomes more fresh. 
In addition, chayote fruit also contains vitamin component is high enough. Niacin is part of the vitamin B complex known as vitamin B3, is used to decrease the production of VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) in the liver, resulting in the production of LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides may be lowered. 
Niacin role in enzymatic reactions in the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, namely as coenzyme I and coenzyme II. Niacin is necessary for the supply of energy in the body's normal tissue. Severe niacin deficiency after a few months will result in pellagra and dermatitis, which is a typical skin disorders and symmetrical, especially in parts of the body that are not covered such as hands, arms, elbows, legs, skin, and throat. 
Chayote is also rich in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 has an important role in the metabolism of protein. Vitamin B6 is essential for the process of transamination and deamination and decarboxylation of amino acids. The need for reaching 0.02 mg per day for adults, 0.015 mg for infants, 0.2 to 1.2 for children and 1.4 to 2 mg for teenagers. 
The content of selenium in the chayote is also quite good. Selenium plays an important role to improve the mood. A study in the United States (1996) proved that the bodies of the lowest selenium levels showed the worst mood. Consumption is around 55-70 micrograms of selenium per day is recommended. 
Squash has a number of properties that are beneficial for the body. One of the biggest benefits is the ability to squash reduce high blood pressure. Classified as healthy foods for the heart and blood vessels if it contains potassium ratio: 5:1 minimal sodium. Every 100 grams of fruit squash containing potassium: sodium ratio 62:1. 
Additionally, squash also known to have a diuretic effect, so as to reduce levels of salt in the blood through the disposal of urine. Reduced levels of salt that are absorbing or retaining water this will alleviate the work of the heart in pumping blood, so the blood pressure will decrease.Chayote is also very good for people with gout. Diuretic effect of chayote will launch a small drainage, so the excess uric acid can be removed from the body. Squash are also good for diabetics. That is because the squash are high carbohydrate content, so that people with diabetes do not need to consume excess food staples. 
The high water content makes it excellent squash to maintain kidney health. Squash also contains saponin components that are beneficial for the body. The content is very beneficial saponins to inhibit and prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the blood. Average consumption of saponin recommended is 15 mg per day. 
In squash also contains tannins that are antimicrobial components, and alkaloids that can accelerate blood circulation thus preventing stroke. Though not yet have a definitive scientific evidence, squash has been known as a hemorrhoid remedy. It may be due to the fiber content is good enough.In addition, the chayote is also good for people with canker sores. However, squash is not suitable given to patients with rheumatoid arthritis because of its cold can trigger symptoms.


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