Siam Pumpkin Benefits for Health

Although the form is not exotic, squash many benefits for human health. Vegetables are low price this is a healthy food for the heart, able to ward off cancer, and is very good for pregnant women.Squash was first discovered by Patrick Browne in Jamaica in 1756. The species is widely grown in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In Mexico, chayote plant not only fruit used as a vegetable, tuber as well as food sources of carbohydrates.
Chayote vegetable not a stranger to most of the population of Indonesia. Chayote is known by several designations, such as pumpkin Jipang (Central Java), manisah (East Java), as well as pumpkin siam (West Java). Internationally, this vegetable called chayote.In everyday life, chayote fruit is known as a healthy vegetable. The fruit can be cooked as fresh vegetables, vegetable lodeh, stir-stir, or vegetable acids. Stems and leaves of young shoots used to make salad or other vegetables.

Red Rice Benefits for Health

Replacing white rice with brown rice has become a trend nowadays. Because brown rice has nutrients that are good for health. However, the price of brown rice is more expensive than usual rice. That caused many who do not know the benefits of brown rice. Here are the benefits of brown rice:


Key energy and good for diet

Vitamin content in rice is vitamin B1, B6 and B12 was higher in brown rice types. For diet, the rice is chosen as the fiber. Fibers contained higher than white rice. Able to interfere with the absorption of fat-fiber that go with the food so it will be more healthy and more filling sensation due to the slow processing of fiber.

Durian the King of Fruits, Rich Benefits

Durian is a healthy food which is good for the body if eaten without exaggeration. In the durian flesh contains a lot of nutrients, which are carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), folic acid, magnesium (Mg), potassium / potassium (K), iron ( Fe), zinc, manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), carotene, vitamin C, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin. Durian also contains a lot of sugar and its hot so diabetics and pregnant women should not consume durian.
Actually ate 100 grams of durian was enough. Because, in 100 gram alone is relatively a lot of nutrients that we peroleh.Demikianlah durian many benefits to be gained, as long as it does not consume berlebihan.Durian maintained primarily for the fruit, which is usually eaten (arilus or coated seeds) in a fresh condition. Salut seed is generally sweet and very nutritious because they contain a lot of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and minerals.

KESEMEK Benefits for Health

KESEMEK or called APPLE Java is indeed unique, tasty but not so well liked. In fact, long-tested, KESEMEK contains a lot of vitamins and healing properties. Unfortunately, so far only used to mix KESEMEK salad, accompanied kedondong, and mango. In fact, fruit powder can be used for body health.

Many experts have discovered a chemical in the body nutritious KESEMEK. Among other KESEMEK contains sucrose, glucose, fructose, tannin, acid and some other substances siringis. Based on the chemical constituents that, a PRC native medicinal plants, Dai Fang Yin and Liu Cheng-jun preparing KESEMEK concoction to overcome some kind of disease. Here are three ingredients KESEMEK for three types of the disease.

Kawista Benefits for Health

Kawista the scientific name Limonia acidissima syn. Feronia limonia a tree close relatives still maja. The tree is still included in the tribe kawista orange (Rutaceae). Plants utilized this fruit is rarely found even now some are beginning to develop. Kawista an unknown origin from southern India to the Southeast Asia and Java are relatively resistant bad condition (dry or saline soil) and disease resistance.

In general, this tree is known as Kawista. In some parts of Java called as Kawis while in Bali this tree called Leprosy. Scientific name of plants (binomial) acidissima Limonia is known as the Indian Elephant Woodapple or Apple.

Distinctive Trees Kawista

Trees Kawista (Kawis) liked the area dry. The trunk is relatively small and can reach up to 12 feet tall with branches and twigs are slender, and has a habit of shedding its leaves. Kawista branches (Limonia acidissima) usually overgrown with thorns. Compound leaves measuring up to 12 centimeters long, and his face leaves, two to three pairs.
Kawista fruit hanging on the tree

Kawista usually clustered flowers with white or green and red. Flowers out of the armpit leaves or branches located at the end. Kawista fruit is round, crusty and scaly, white and brown. Aromatic flesh blackish brown.

Kawista fruit that has been quite ripe will fall by itself. Because the skin of the fruit is hard, though fallen fruit will not be damaged.

Habitat and Distribution Kawista.

Kawista tree grows in tropical areas with dry soil conditions. Edible fruit is a lowland plant that can grow up to an altitude of 400 meters above sea level.

Kawista grow naturally in the area of ​​Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, and Indochina, then spread to Malaysia and Indonesia. Trees Kawista also been introduced to the United States. In Indonesia, Kawista grows naturally in coastal areas north of the island of Java.

Utilization Kawista
In Indonesia Kawista trees have been cultivated and naturally growing wild just in the yard and garden. In fact, in some countries such as Sri Lanka, have been cultivated even Kawista Kawista fruit is processed into a creamy kawista be one export commodity.

Kawista fruit can be eaten directly. Or processed into a variety of commodities such as syrup and lunkhead. Additionally kawista mature fruit is believed to be drug down the heat and abdominal pain, as well as used as a tonic.

Avocado Rich Benefits

Avocado, who does not like it. The fruit is delicious, especially when blended with ice and milk, taken in the middle of the day. Delicious, the nutritional content even enough for breakfast the morning. But, behind the delights of green fruit, the content of the medicine was awesome.

Avocado can begin to treat bladder stones, high blood pressure, until a toothache and diabetes. So, let's take advantage of, not just for drinks. Below are some recipes that can be used as a guide.

Thrush: an avocado is ripe contents were 2 tablespoons pure honey, stir thoroughly and eaten. Do it every day until it heals.

Sprouts Vegetables, Rich Benefits

Vegetable Sprouts, of any kind, either mung bean sprouts, soy sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, and other types of sprouts, contains many nutritious compounds fitokimiawi. One of them kanavanin (canavanine), type arginine amino acid building blocks of the most stored in alfalfa sprouts. Kanavin, according to some studies, can paralyze seed leukemia cancer, colon and pancreas.

Natural estrogen found in sprouts befungsi with synthetic estrogen, but that is without side effects. Estrogen in sprouts can significantly increase bone formation and density and prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). Diligent eating sprouts help women avoid breast cancer, premenstrual disorders (premenstrual syndrome, PMS), a tinge complaints (hot flashes), premenopausal and menopausal disorders.

Yam good for bones and teeth

Jicama or yam (Pachyrhizus erosus) known from tubers (cormus) white can be eaten as a salad component and pickled or used as a mask to refresh your face and whiten skin. Plants originating from tropical America is included in interest legumes or legume. In the place of origin, this plant is known as xicama or jicama. The Javanese call Besusu.

Jicama is an annual liana which can reach lengths of 4-5m, while the roots can reach 2m. These plants form root tubers (cormus) round or rounded like a top with a weight can reach 5kg. Tuber skin thin pale yellow and white interior with fresh fluid rather sweet. Tubers contain sugar and starch as well as phosphorus and calcium. Bulbs also have a cooling effect because they contain 86-90% moisture content. The sweet taste comes from an oligosaccharide called inulin.

Salt, Friend or Opponent

Like vegetables less salt! The term is apparently now started less popular, at least in modern societies are very concerned with his health. Today, salt is no longer a friend of food. In fact, the use of salt has been limited to a minimum. What causes salt so despised?

The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) recently revealed that consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.