The Noni fruit tamer Hyperthyroidism

Noni fruit is known as a medicinal plant that has efficacy as a medicine. was first popularized by the Polynesian islands, Hawaii, samoa.kahuna (call physician) in the three islands often mix berries, roots, leaves, and bark of traditional medicine in the treatment of noni. they are even considered as a sacred plant noni fruit because of its efficacy. In The Book of Malayan medicine medical recommended that fruit plants scientific name Morinda citrifolia L. It is used to treat leukore (another name whiteness). Noni fruit is the most widely used. content of active compounds in the fruit of this plant include alkaloids, flavonoids, anthraquinone, danpolifenol. compounds - the active compound is allegedly beneficial tackling the disease.

The plant is spread to Europe, including the UK. there traditional medicinal plant called the Indian mulberry Morinda. Malaysian people call it male or Morinda citrifolia large, apatot-nga-basit (Philippines), nhoo baans (laos), yo tires (Thailand), and nhau (Vietnam). Similarly, in Indonesia, each region would have given different names. Aceh people traditional medicinal plants keumudu, bakudu (Batak), paramai (Mandailing), neteu (Mentawai), bengkudu (Minangkabau). more, the Sunda named cangkudu, nape (Madura), aikombo (Sumba), bakulu (timor), and others.

Noni fruit is usually found in the high mountains that reach 1500 meters above sea level. areas with rainfall between 1500-3000 mm per year, noni can grow well. This plant prefers fertile, moist soil. however noni can live in dry areas with minimal irrigation.

At first, the Noni fruit is a wild plant that can be found anywhere. traditional medicinal plants can be grown in coastal areas to the mountains. by Rumphius, noni grows wild on the beach in the entire archipelago. noni can always be found in villages in Java.

Noni fruit tree is a woody plant. height can reach 3 to 10 meters. noni generally elliptical to leafy square. leaf length ranges from 12-25 cm. noni leaf include single leaf with a tapered tip and base. ratr leaf edges, leaf width 5-17 cm. exploring its leaves resemble fish fins, short petiole.

Noni fruit very quickly bear fruit. less than a year this plant can produce. fruit formation begins with the rise of interest in the form of head, rounded shape. of the head it will emerge blossoms like trumpets. after completion rate of growth, it was also the head will continue to grow until it becomes the fruit of Morinda citrifolia.

Seeds of traditional medicinal plants can be found in the noni fruit is ripe or older. noni seeds very much. triangular shape, reddish brown, dank eras all. traditional medicinal plant noni can only be obtained by sowing the seeds that have been hard.

Savor traditional medicinal plant noni

Noni fruit is believed to have efficacy aplenty. men are known to be anti-diabetic (hypoglycemic). noni is also efficacious as tetanus, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, drug dysentery, and diarrhea medication. plants are popular with the title pace can also reduce fever (antipyretic), laxative urine (diuretic), and the laxative effect. consuming noni fruit can also relieve asthma and rheumatism.

Then how the relationship between hyperthyroidism and noni fruit? Danu colleagues from the faculty of medicine of UGM, in 1997 researching the fruit of this plant on rabbits. they reported that the juice of the fruit flesh pace (Morinda citrifolia) showed tendencies increase sensitivity to the effects of adrenaline, and is able to inhibit the effects on the heart norarenalin animals. however, the effect is not explained penelitiantersebut question.

In that study also reported that, pace the fruit perasandaging provide a very significant change in heart muscle contraction jantung.kekuatan decreases, pulse rate also decline. parasan the fruit of traditional medicinal plants also increases the amount of blood flow to the coronary arteries of heart permenitnya, so this tissue death (infarction) can be avoided.

But, as we know that there is a very close link between the thyroid and adrenal glands kelenjer on fellow human beings, one of which is interrupted, then the others will also be affected. very likely, the relationship is so traditional medicinal plants to cure hyperthyroidism noni and also lowers heart rate of patients.

Noni fruit to increase body immunity, normalize blood pressure, fight cancer and tumors. fruit of traditional medicinal plants are also able to relieve pain (analgesic), deflates inflammation and allergy, as well as antibacterial. fruit of traditional medicinal plants can also set the mood and regulate the body's energy cycle.



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akuherbal said...

Thank you for comment. I hope Michelle can mutually share experiences especially herbal alternative medicine.

Unknown said...

Really a great post! It is full of information. Noni fruit is full of antioxidants and vitamin c and these have positive effects on the body. The juice is said to be good at both helping improve liver function and also protecting this vital organ. Since it is high in vitamin c the juice is also very good at helping to boost the immune system and as a result it can be credited with helping to ward off harmful viruses and other illnesses.
Goji berry juice

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foods to avoid with hyperthyroidism

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