Yam good for bones and teeth

Jicama or yam (Pachyrhizus erosus) known from tubers (cormus) white can be eaten as a salad component and pickled or used as a mask to refresh your face and whiten skin. Plants originating from tropical America is included in interest legumes or legume. In the place of origin, this plant is known as xicama or jicama. The Javanese call Besusu.

Jicama is an annual liana which can reach lengths of 4-5m, while the roots can reach 2m. These plants form root tubers (cormus) round or rounded like a top with a weight can reach 5kg. Tuber skin thin pale yellow and white interior with fresh fluid rather sweet. Tubers contain sugar and starch as well as phosphorus and calcium. Bulbs also have a cooling effect because they contain 86-90% moisture content. The sweet taste comes from an oligosaccharide called inulin.

Inulin has been used in some countries as a sugar substitute and lowering calorie foods such as ice cream, dairy products, and bread. This component can not be digested in the human gut enzymes that pass through the mouth to the intestine without metabolism. In the large intestine, inulin then fermented by the intestinal microflora to short chain fatty acids and lactate, a byproduct of bacterial fermentation in the form of biomass and gas. Due to the nature of the inulin is not digested suitable to be consumed by diabetics.

Another important feature of inulin is a dietary fiber. The nature of this effect on intestinal function and improved blood lipid parameters. Inulin affects bowel function by increasing stool mass and increased frequency of defecation, especially in patients with constipation. Improvement of fat in the blood parameters that have been reported include decreased levels of serum triglycerides and blood cholesterol in patients hiperkolesterolemik.

Inulin and oligosaccharides as a prebiotic called selectively stimulating the growth and / or activity of various types of gut bacteria that can improve health. Because of these properties the inulin and oligosaccharides can be combined with the preparation probiotics (live bacteria added to food to improve the health of the host).

Several studies have indicated positive effects of inulin and oligosaccharides on calcium absorption in rats and humans, and prevention of cancer in animals. More than 10 studies have shown that inulin increases calcium absorption and deposition in the bones of mice and humans. These findings provide promising indications that inulin and oligosaccharides can help prevent osteoporosis.

Thus, judging from the content of yam of which are calcium, phosphorus, and then it can be assumed that inulin is very good yam is consumed to maintain the consistency of bones and teeth.

Sources: http://www.akuherbal.blogspot.com


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