Mustard Greens can Prevent Cancer

In Indonesia, when people call the mustard, the question is mustard greens (Brassica few parachinensis group, also known as mustard meatballs, caisim, or caisin). Besides mustard greens, some chicory (Brassica pekinensis few groups, also called cabbage) which made soups or made into pickles and mustard spoons (pakcoy or bok choy), which is a type of leaf vegetable mustard relatives who became known well in the world of culinary Indonesia.

Mustard (brassica juncea) included in famili Curciferae. Mustard is a leafy crops oval, smooth, hairless, and not berkrop. Mustard plant stems shorter and more slender than petsaai plants. Sawi has a taproot with many side roots are shallow. The flowers are similar to cabbage, but a series of shorter bunches. Flower bud size smaller with specific pale yellow color. The seeds are small and brown and black are the two sides of a fat pod bulkhead wall.

Srikaya fruit (Annona squamosa L.) Beneficial to Health

For the people of Indonesia Srikaya fruit (Annona squamosa L.) is well known from ancient times as well as the sweet fruit is also very easy to find either in the market or supermarket, almost every house in the countryside certainly cultivate plants of this type because it contains a lot of benefits useful for our body health. srikaya including small fruit trees that grow in rocky soil, dried, and exposed to direct sunlight. Plants that came from the West Indies will be fruitful after the age of 3-5 years. Sugar-apple (Annona squamosa L.) are planted in the garden, cultivated or growing wild, and can be found up to an altitude of 800 m.

Nature and Efficacy Srikaya
The roots of the bitter, cold nature. Potent anti-inflammatory, anti-depressants. The leaves taste bitter, chocolate, its a bit cold. Efficacious astringent, anti-inflammatory, laxative intestinal worms (antheimintik), and accelerate the ripening boils and abscesses. Nutritious seeds stimulate digestive enzymes, abortivum, anthelmintic, and insect killers (insecticides). Nutritious bark astringent and tonic. Young fruits and seeds are also efficacious antiparasitic.

Purwoceng: Dubbed Viagra from Java

Purwaceng or Purwoceng original Latin name Pimpinella pruacan, but later revised to Pimpinella alpina. In Indonesia, the original wild plants in Dieng area at an altitude of 200 - 3000 meters above sea level.

Purwoceng is a small shrub that goes above the ground such as Centella and mountain clover. Small leaves green colored reddish with a diameter between 1-3 cm. He lived clustered as high as 20 cm-30 cm.