The Noni fruit tamer Hyperthyroidism

Noni fruit is known as a medicinal plant that has efficacy as a medicine. was first popularized by the Polynesian islands, Hawaii, samoa.kahuna (call physician) in the three islands often mix berries, roots, leaves, and bark of traditional medicine in the treatment of noni. they are even considered as a sacred plant noni fruit because of its efficacy. In The Book of Malayan medicine medical recommended that fruit plants scientific name Morinda citrifolia L. It is used to treat leukore (another name whiteness). Noni fruit is the most widely used. content of active compounds in the fruit of this plant include alkaloids, flavonoids, anthraquinone, danpolifenol. compounds - the active compound is allegedly beneficial tackling the disease.

The plant is spread to Europe, including the UK. there traditional medicinal plant called the Indian mulberry Morinda. Malaysian people call it male or Morinda citrifolia large, apatot-nga-basit (Philippines), nhoo baans (laos), yo tires (Thailand), and nhau (Vietnam). Similarly, in Indonesia, each region would have given different names. Aceh people traditional medicinal plants keumudu, bakudu (Batak), paramai (Mandailing), neteu (Mentawai), bengkudu (Minangkabau). more, the Sunda named cangkudu, nape (Madura), aikombo (Sumba), bakulu (timor), and others.

How To Prevent Heart is Broken

Many people who experience severe pain because her heart was broken. Ranging from fatty liver (fatty liver), hepatitis, tumors, liver cirrhosis and cancer. Learn how to take care of this important organ in order to stay healthy.
The human heart has a lot of work, such as removing toxins from the body in the form of bile, save energy, regulate blood sugar levels as well as a factor in the clotting process.
But there are many things that can cause liver damage, ranging from toxins in the environment to random drug consumption. In certain circumstances the damage requires a person to have a liver transplant at a high cost.

Formalin Organic, galangal name

Galangal (Alpinia galanga or Lenguas galanga) is often used by mothers in the kitchen as a food flavoring. Another benefit of India's crop is as traditional ingredients and the healing of various diseases, especially skin diseases caused by fungi. However, beyond these two benefits, galangal it also has a role in extending the shelf life or preserve food spoilage due to microbial activity. In short, ginger may act as a substitute for formalin functions are now being hotly discussed.
We know there are two types of galangal plant, ie varieties with rhizomes tubers (roots) in white and red varieties of bulbs berimpang bigger. Berimpang white ginger root is commonly used as a cooking flavoring, while galangal berimpang red bulb is widely used as a drug. Galangal root rhizomes than coarse fiber also has a distinctive aroma. 

Chemical compounds found in ginger, among others contains essential oils, the oil fly, eugenol, sesquiterpene, pinene, methyl cinnamate, kaemferida, shipyards, galangol, and yellow crystals. Essential oils it contains, among others galangol, galangin, alpinen, camphor, and methyl-cinnamate. Some uses ginger as a medicinal plant from treating rheumatism, sore spleen, arouse appetite, bronchitis, morbili, phlegm, antibakteria, purify the blood, increase appetite, ease expenditure wind from the body, liquefy phlegm, scent and even stimulate muscle can generate sex drive.

Yellow Turmeric Inhibitory Senile

Turmeric is not just a material made ​​in cooking, but it is far from it yellow turmeric health benefits and healing stores. Turmeric also keep people from experiencing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Turmeric is known by the Latin name Curcuma domestica, which is the native medicinal plants of Southeast Asia that grows well in Indonesia. The content of yellow coloring (curcumin) in turmeric can reduce the effects of protein plaques in the brain that can lead to Alzheimer's disease or dementia (dementia), according to the study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry

Tomato Seeds Potent Against Stroke and Heart Disease

Maybe all this while cooking, you like to throw tomato seeds, because You are not like them or because you feel disgusted, especially by liquid slick accompanying tomato seeds. But, if you know the usefulness, in the future may be in the recipes, you will always be with tomato seeds.

A study conducted Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland found the efficacy of tomato seeds for health. As quoted by health magazine Prevention, K Asim Dutta-Roy, PhD, the researcher
find, slippery fluid or contained a yellow jelly around the seeds tomato, contains a compound or compounds that are effective against stroke and heart disease.

Polyps and Medicinal Plants

If in your nostrils small meat grown progressively bigger, then be careful because things like that is a sign that you have been exposed to the disease polyps that if left alone too long will clog the nostrils.

According to medical science, to cure or remove polyps is to be done by way of operation, with the cut of meat is growing.

But if you are afraid to undergo surgery or can not afford enough, you could try the following recipe: