Formalin Organic, galangal name

Galangal (Alpinia galanga or Lenguas galanga) is often used by mothers in the kitchen as a food flavoring. Another benefit of India's crop is as traditional ingredients and the healing of various diseases, especially skin diseases caused by fungi. However, beyond these two benefits, galangal it also has a role in extending the shelf life or preserve food spoilage due to microbial activity. In short, ginger may act as a substitute for formalin functions are now being hotly discussed.
We know there are two types of galangal plant, ie varieties with rhizomes tubers (roots) in white and red varieties of bulbs berimpang bigger. Berimpang white ginger root is commonly used as a cooking flavoring, while galangal berimpang red bulb is widely used as a drug. Galangal root rhizomes than coarse fiber also has a distinctive aroma. 

Chemical compounds found in ginger, among others contains essential oils, the oil fly, eugenol, sesquiterpene, pinene, methyl cinnamate, kaemferida, shipyards, galangol, and yellow crystals. Essential oils it contains, among others galangol, galangin, alpinen, camphor, and methyl-cinnamate. Some uses ginger as a medicinal plant from treating rheumatism, sore spleen, arouse appetite, bronchitis, morbili, phlegm, antibakteria, purify the blood, increase appetite, ease expenditure wind from the body, liquefy phlegm, scent and even stimulate muscle can generate sex drive.
In addition, ginger red when cooked with vinegar diluted, can be used as a drink for a woman who has given birth because it can accelerate the cleanup uterus. When mixed with garlic that has been crushed by the ratio of 4-5: 1 and cooked with a little vinegar, ginger can be a cure ringworm topically on the affected skin ringworm. Even if knead with vinegar and applied as scrubs, galangal able to get rid of patches of skin and moles. 
The role of ginger as a food preservative is inseparable from the ability of ginger that has antimicrobial activity. Antimicrobials are biological or chemical compounds that can interfere with the growth and microbial activity, especially destroyers and microbial spoilage of food. Antimicrobial agents can be bactericidal (bacteria-killing), bakteristatik (inhibits the growth of bacteria), fungicidal (kills fungi), fungistatik (inhibit mold growth), or germisidal (inhibit germination of bacterial spores).
The results showed that most of the components in the herbs are as antimicrobial, so as to preserve food. Components spices have antimicrobial activity especially is a part essential oil.
A study conducted by a team of researchers at the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, led by IPB Winiati Pudji Rahayu example has proved that ginger red light has high antimicrobial activity, with an average inhibition of 38.3 percent. Galangal is able to inhibit the growth of microbial pathogens and destroying the food especially against Bacillus cereus. Research on mackerel proven to extend the shelf life of mackerel at 40 ° C from 5 days to 7 days with a 2.5 percent use powdered ginger salt combined with 5 percent.
This study has managed to find a natural way to make food preservatives to keep it fresh and durable. Use of ginger is expected to extend the shelf life of foods and beverages without compromising quality and more importantly is not bad for health. Natural preservative is obviously cheaper and easier to get around us.
This proves that nature has provided a cheap and safe solution for health. Formalin is a past that must soon be left far as food preservative. There are many safe and natural ways to manage food and beverage to be durable and long lasting without compromising the security aspects of human health.


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