Benefits and Rich Yogurt Made Easy

Yogurt is a health drink made from the fermented dairy products. Fans of yogurt not only children, but manulapun loved it. Yogurt is not only synonymous with a sour taste, but it can be integrated into a sweet and there are several products on the market are also mixed with fruit. Yogurt is not only tasty, but it has a wide range of health benefits. Here let us review the least of the benefits of yoghurts for health. Yogurt is milk made through bacterial fermentation and can be made from any milk, even soy milk. Yogurt itself contains two types of probiotics, namely lactobacillus and bifidobachterium. Probiotics, the good bacteria that help the digestive process.

Bacteria used for the manufacture of yoghurt is Lactobasilus bulgaricus. Fermentation of lactose in the milk produce lactic acid which makes the texture of the milk into a gel. The content of the yoghurt provides benefits to the body. include:
1. Antimicrobials are
In addition to producing lactic acid, yogurt also produces substances that are anti-microbial such as acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide, some types of bacteria that produce antibiotics that can menjegah disease caused by bacteria.
2. Prevent yeast Candida albicans
Candida albicans, a fungus that causes vaginal disease in women. Vaginitis is a venereal disease that cause itching and discomfort in the vulva. Prebiotic yogurt and consumed is able to control the growth of this fungus Candida.
3. Preventing Osteoporosis
Lactic acid produced yoghurt produced metabolites associated with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Besides yogurt also help in the production of vitamin K in the body that plays an important role in bone metabolism
4. Assist in the digestion of lactose
Yoghurt and other fermented beverages is easier to digest than unfermented milk. Yogurt can be an alternative for people with lactose intolerance (inability to digest lactose in milk)
5. Helps prevent cancer and tumor
Some types of bacteria Lactobasillus achidophilus and Lactobasillus bulgaricus has demonstrated antitumor effects. In addition, the yogurt can break nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic substances (cancer-causing). Bacteria in yogurt inhibits the growth of cancer cells by enhancing the immune system. Folic acid and zinc contained in yogurt can prevent cervical cancer and prostate cancer.
6. Produce some kind of vitamin B
Yogurt also produce B vitamins, such as vitamin B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12.
7. prevent diarrhea and constipation
Laktobacillus acidophilus bacteria are able to stop the diarrhea. To overcome constipation, Bifidobacterium bifidum bacteria contained in yogurt is the most effective.
8. Lowering blood cholesterol and stabilize blood pressure.
In the fermentation process, the bacteria produce a substance Anticholesteremic yogurt Milk Factor that can lower blood cholesterol levels which can prevent the onset of degenerative diseases.
Lactic acid bacteria can degrade cholesterol into coprostanol, so as to avoid the risk of coronary heart disease. Peptides resulting from the breakdown of milk proteins to form a functioning tripeptida inhibits the increase in blood pressure.
9. Maintaining the health and beauty of skin
Plain yogurt (no flavor) can be used as masker face. Face mask of yogurt is beneficial to revitalize dead skin cells, rejuvenate dull skin and helps preserve skin moisture so skin looks soft, smooth and healthy.
10. Maintaining oral health.
Yogurt contains lactoperoxidase enzyme whose activity antimicroba and used as an anti-caries in toothpaste. for those of you who eat yogurt regularly can improve the oral hygiene of the bacteria that coat the surface of the tongue and prevents halitosis (bad breath), and reduce the likelihood of plaque accumulation.

In addition to the benefits derived from yogurt, is also so easy to make yogurt. Besides the material is easily available too cheap. However rich benefits. Here is a way of making the yogurt.

1 liter UHT milk plain
1 sachet of instant milk powder Dancow
Plain Yogurt 100 ml (eg brand Biokul)

Supporting tools are needed:
Plastic flasks
Clear plastic bag / tupperware

How to Make:
Cook the milk until warm (while stirring) and then add powdered milk and plain yogurt and stir well.
Pour the milk mixture into a plastic bag or Tupperware, and then enter it into the plastic bag of milk in a thermos or incubator
Cover tightly and store for 6 -8 / 24 hours (the longer the acid). Milk will curdle and the aroma and taste will taste sour. When you are finished, take 100 ml of yogurt for yogurt starter next creation. Store in a plastic bag that was new / sterile until time to use.
Serving: Combine yogurt with sugar / fructose / syrup or simple syrup to taste. Favors also when mixed with fruit juice and fruit pieces plus.



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