Perhaps there are still many who consider eye one food that he is a culprit causing fart. Plants
that have a Latin name "Ipomea batatas Poiret" it was already widely
used as an ingredient to make dumplings, cakes, cookies and even ice
cream. Compared to other sweet potato richer in vitamin A which reached 7,700 mg per 100 grams. hundreds of times the amount of vitamin A bi-fold and 3 of the tomatoes.Purple sweet potato is a source of carbohydrates and a source of calories high enough. purple sweet potato also contains lysine, Cu, Mg, K, Zn average of 20%. For other deposits exist on purple sweet potato is the protein, fat, crude fiber and ash. total content of antiosianin purple sweet potato is 519 mg wet weight of 100 gr.
One of the country's favorite spice is nutmeg. In addition to having a high economic value, nutmeg is also a versatile herb. Levels of the chemical so the natural solution to relieve stress and insomnia disorders
Nutmeg (Myristica fragan Haitt) is an herb native to Indonesia. Has long been known as the nutmeg spice essential oil. This oil is one of the basic ingredients in the beverage and cosmetic industries. In general, the benefits of nutmeg is taken from the bark to the flesh.
Nutmeg (Myristica fragan Haitt) is an herb native to Indonesia. Has long been known as the nutmeg spice essential oil. This oil is one of the basic ingredients in the beverage and cosmetic industries. In general, the benefits of nutmeg is taken from the bark to the flesh.
Black mushroom or in Latin, auricularia auricular useful to cure various diseases. Besides
the delicious taste, black ear mushrooms can also be as a healer of
heart disease, lowering cholesterol, anti-blood coagulation, blood
vessels and may also precipitate as antipendarahan.
With black mushroom consume every day, then blood will flow smoothly, avoid a stroke, heart or brain, due to a blockage in the blood vessels. Moreover, these days a lot of people affected by paralysis or stroke and heart attack. This disease can affect anyone, no matter rich or poor, young or old, can all be affected. And recovery also requires quite a long time. So it could be burdensome for people with low income. A lot of cost and effort must be spent due to this disease. Therefore, from now on, it helps us to prevent than cure.
With black mushroom consume every day, then blood will flow smoothly, avoid a stroke, heart or brain, due to a blockage in the blood vessels. Moreover, these days a lot of people affected by paralysis or stroke and heart attack. This disease can affect anyone, no matter rich or poor, young or old, can all be affected. And recovery also requires quite a long time. So it could be burdensome for people with low income. A lot of cost and effort must be spent due to this disease. Therefore, from now on, it helps us to prevent than cure.