Eating cabbage can Overcome Constipation

Cabbage or cabbage is usually called with the kind of vegetables in the Brassica family such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. Cabbage or cabbage are easy to find in Indonesia.

Cabbage is one of the main ingredients for pecel or regular menu also served as vegetables.
Way to get the benefits of eating cabbage is best eaten raw. There are many benefits contained in vegetables cabbage, namely:

Eggplant can Reduce Risk of Heart Attack

Maybe eggplant is one diet that is often served at your table. But you know the benefits of eggplant for our health? In this paper, some information will be distributed to the health benefits of eggplant.

Lose Its Nerve Tense
The content of scopoletin and scoparone contained in eggplant believed to reduce the psychological shock and reduce stress. Besides eggplant also can prevent epilepsy and other causes of stress.

Drinking Coffee can Prevent Neurological Disease

Coffee is loved by millions of human beings it has many health benefits. No half-hearted, ranging from neurological diseases, cancer, etc.. Below are described some tried coffee for health benefits, among others:
  1. Prevent neurological diseases. Caffeinated coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The content of antioxidants in coffee will prevent cell damage associated with Parkinson's. While caffeine will inhibit inflammation in the brain, which is often associated with Alzheimer's.